Fabrication Hard Worker in Beef Cartoon

Nutrient packaging is the enclosing of food for the purpose of protection from:

  • Environmental factors that may cause contamination, harm, or decay in the process of transport, storage or selling;
  • Intentional modification of the production, or what is known every bit tampering.

In addition to protection and preservation – and thus maintenance of the food's shelf life – food packaging is used for containing the foods, providing information about the ingredients and nutritional aspects of its contents [i], and providing convenience for customers during usage and consumption [2].

Packaging depends on the type of food being packaged, and it varies over a broad assortment of materials and forms.

Here you will learn virtually:

  • The types of food packaging
  • The conventional materials used for nutrient packaging
  • The urgency of sustainability in food packaging
  • The hereafter towards which nutrient packaging materials are heading

Types of Food Packaging

Packaging materials come in different shapes with diverse functions relative to their properties. It is essential for the packaging material to have a balance betwixt its shape and its role. Given the packaging'due south main purpose of preservation, containment, and protection of nutrient, the packaging textile tin be rigid, flexible, or semi-flexible [iii].

Rigid packages include bottles, trays, cans, jars, and caps.

Flexible packages include bags, cling wraps, chimera wraps, shrink wraps, squeezable tubes, foam trays, stand-upwardly packets, and vacuum bags.

Semi-flexible packages include caps and closures, boxes, and tetra packs.

Nutrient packaging types differ in various ways, such equally weight, size, immovability, and barrier properties [4].

Food Packaging Materials

Selecting the suitable material for packaging a certain type of food depends on the functions that the parcel is supposed to fulfil. These functions include shielding the foods against moisture, temperature variations, oxygen, light, and biological microorganisms. Also, damage protection, permeability, food identification, and chemical and optical properties play a pregnant role in material selection [3].

Explore different food packaging materials

Conventional food packaging materials currently used vary between metals, paper, drinking glass, and plastics [v].


There are various forms of metal food packaging, such as cans, tubes, containers, films, caps and closures. Cans are mostly made of aluminium or steel, and they are the most usually used metallic packages of nutrient and beverages. They are highly recyclable and are usually coated with a layer of organic material to prevent any interaction between the food and the metal [5].


Aluminium is generally used for beverage cans, foils, tubes, trays, pouches, and coffee capsules. It has skilful resistance to temperature fluctuations and acts as an excellent gas bulwark, which extends the food's shelf-life. Information technology has outstanding malleability and formability and can be easily embossed [1]. Information technology is relatively harmless [6], lightweight, and can be recycled indefinitely.

Alloying elements, such as magnesium and manganese, are sometimes added to aluminium to enhance its forcefulness. Aluminium can exist used in rigid, flexible, and semi-flexible packaging. It helps maintain the freshness and olfactory property of the foods and is skillful for protection from radiation, oxygen, moisture, oils, and microorganisms [seven]. Soft drinks, seafood, and pet nutrient are commonly enclosed past aluminium packages.

Some aluminium grades used in food packaging include AA 3003 (O, H22, H24), AA 8006, AA 8011, AA 8079, and AA 1235 [8].

Aluminium foil


Steel is used for cans, containers, caps, and closures. Organic coatings are also required to resist corrosion. Steel cans are made from tinplate, which is tin-coated steel, or from electrolytic chromium coated steel (ECCS) [5], also known as tin-free steel. Steel, being a permanent material, can be recycled open-endedly while retaining its quality.

Tinplate is a remarkable barrier to gases, water vapour, low-cal, and odours. It has practiced ductility and formability, and is user-friendly for sterile products for it can undergo estrus treatment and hermetic sealing. It is light with meaning mechanical force and is suitable for expressive decoration. Common applications of tinplate include drinkable cans, processed foods, and powdered foods [1].

Tin-free steel also has adept force and formability and is slightly cheaper than tinplate. The chrome/chrome oxide in ECCS renders it a good material for blanket adhesion, such as lacquers and paints. It has good resistance to estrus and black sulphide stain, which makes it user-friendly for making fish cans [9]. Applications of tin-free steel include food cans, trays, bottle caps, can ends, and closures.

Steel can

Newspaper and paperboard

Paper is one of the oldest packaging materials, dating back to the 17thursday century [ten]. Newspaper and paperboard are generally used for packaging dry foods. Upon coating or waxing, their applications extend to the packaging and serving of moisture and fatty foods [five]. They are commonly used in corrugated boxes, milk cartons, folding cartons, newspaper plates and cups, bags and sacks, and wrapping paper.

Paper is used for temporary food containment and protection due to its loftier permeability and inability to be sealed with estrus. When used as chief packaging, waxes, resins, and lacquers are used as coatings and laminates to enhance the paper's protective and functional properties.

Depending on its method of production and packaging purpose, newspaper can exist institute every bit Kraft paper, sulphite newspaper, greaseproof paper, Glassine, or parchment paper.

  • Kraft newspaper is the strongest course of paper and is used in packaging flour, sugar, and stale fruits.
  • Sulphite paper is relatively weaker and lighter and is used to wrap biscuits and sweets.
  • Greaseproof paper and Glassine incorporate densely packed cellulose fibres – Glassine beingness further hydrated – that ameliorate the paper'southward oil resistance, thus making it suitable to bundle snacks, biscuits, fast foods, and greasy foods.
  • Parchment paper is acid-treated newspaper, which renders information technology impermeable to fluids just not to air and vapour. It is used in packaging butter and lard [1].

Paperboard is a relatively thicker and heavier fabric than paper. It is widely used as secondary packaging that is non in directly contact with the food. Boxes, trays, and cartons used for shipping are the mutual usages of paperboard. Types of paperboard vary between whiteboard, solid board, chipboard, and fibreboard.

  • Whiteboard is the merely paperboard brash for primary packaging.
  • Solid lath is a stiff and durable paperboard, used to package milk, fruit juices and soft drinks.
  • Chipboard is the cheapest form of paperboard, fabricated of recycled newspaper, and is used every bit outer layers of nutrient cartons, such every bit cereals and tea.
  • Fibreboard is used to ship bulk food due to its strength and resistance to impact scratching and crushing damage [xi].

Another form of paper is newspaper laminates, which are coated or uncoated paper based on Kraft and sulphite tissues. They accept enhanced barrier properties, and are used in packaging soups, spices, and herbs [one].

Paper bag with a coffee cup


Glass is another permanent packaging material that has been used for millennia. The primeval show of glass making was around 7000 B.C. [12]. Yet, glassblowing of bottles was discovered by the Romans in 50 B.C. in the area of modernistic-solar day Lebanese republic [thirteen].

Glass is well-known for being among the about reliable and to the lowest degree toxic materials for packaging foods and drinks. Its advantages include [xiv]:

  • Imperviousness
  • Inertness
  • Strength
  • Hygiene
  • Resistance to tampering
  • Quality colour
  • Pattern
  • Decoration potential
  • Transparency
  • Chemical propriety
  • Microwaveability
  • Heat treatability

There are ii types of glass packaging most widely used for foods and drinks: narrow-neck bottles and wide-opening jars and pots.

Glass bottles are commonly used for alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, and beverage water. Foods packed in glass containers range from coffee to dairy products, spices, spreads, syrups, processed vegetables and fruits, and meat and fish products [15]. With the rise of popularity and usage of other packaging materials, such as metals and plastics, loftier-value products are preferred to be packed in glass containers due to their high-quality epitome and aroma preservation characteristics [16].

Glass is basically made from soda, lime, and silica – in improver to other elements depending on the desired characteristics – and is manufactured via melting and container forming. Surface treatment, heat treatment and annealing are subsequent steps in the production process. It is reusable and infinitely recyclable through burdensome, melting, and reforming without loss of quality [15].

Green glass bottles


Plastics are the nigh common and most wide-ranging materials used for food packaging. Some of their widespread uses are bottles, trays, bags, foils, cups, pots, pouches, and bowls. The book of plastic allocated to food packaging amounts to around twoscore% of plastics [16]. The convenience and widespread use of plastic in food packaging is owed to its low cost, ease of processability, formability, chemical resistance, lightweight, and a variety of physical backdrop [1]. Nevertheless, plastic suffers from permeability to gas, vapour, and light.

Plastics tin can be classified into two main categories: thermosets and thermoplastics.

Thermosets are polymers that irrevocably solidify upon oestrus and are non-reformable, which makes them unsuitable for food packaging. Thermoplastics, on the other hand, soften when heated and are able to retain their initial conditions at room temperature. This renders them perfect for nutrient packaging. Likewise, despite certain functional restrictions, thermoplastics are recyclable via melting, reproduction and reuse as new products [1].

Despite the health and safety concerns regarding balance components from plastic, plastic employ continues to grow compared to the aforementioned conventional materials because of its inexpensiveness, thermosealability, microwaveability, and ease of fabrication into countless shapes and sizes.

Plastic packaging - almonds

Of the plastics used for nutrient packaging, polyolefins and polyester are the almost mutual materials.

Other materials include polyvinyl chloride, polyvinylidene chloride, polystyrene, polyamide, and ethylene vinyl alcohol [1].

Polyethylene and polypropylene are materials from the polyolefin category. These two materials are extensively used due to their lightweight, malleability, force, stability, processability, reusability and resistance to chemicals and moisture. Milk, juice, and water bottles, grocery, retail, and garbage numberless, and bread and frozen nutrient bags are some of the uses of polyethylene. Polypropylene is used when estrus resistance is needed. Yoghurt containers and margarine tubs are applications of polypropylene.

The most commonly used polyester in food packaging is polyethylene terephthalate, more commonly known equally PETE. PETE is a resistor of estrus, oils, solvents, and acids. It has skilful ductility, strength, and hardness. Its advantageous properties also include lightness, impermeability to gas, transparency, and resistance to breaking. It is mostly used in bottles, tubs, jars, trays, blisters, bags, and wrappers for snacks.

Yoghurt pots

Why sustainable nutrient packaging is more than urgent than ever

Food waste is non simply an economic and social problem but too a challenging ecology effect. Its environmental impacts, such as high carbon footprint and bluish water footprint, are direct indications of the risks brought about by food waste.

As of 2018, over 100 meg tons of food are lost to waste every yr in Europe alone. This accounts for about a third of the agri-food supply chain. It is fifty-fifty expected to double past 2050 with the global increment in nutrient demand [17].

A pregnant portion of food waste is linked to the brusk shelf-life, particularly that of fresh produce; non to mention the effect of erroneous or misunderstood expiry date labels, leading to premature and avoidable disposal of food.

Packaging has been positioned as a central gene in sustainable food consumption, peculiarly in terms of quality preservation and safety. Yet, it has been perceived nigh as a two-edged sword, having additional environmental and economical costs as compared to its value of reducing food waste.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that over 82 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) in 2018 has been accounted for by containers and packaging. This was a whopping 28.1% of the total MSW generation [18].

That is why sustainability efforts such every bit recycling, composting, or energy recovery from combustion have been implemented to minimise the landfilled waste coming from packaging.

Sustainable food packaging is not simply an option anymore but a necessity. No matter the packaging fabric, it is crucial to consider sustainability every bit a deciding cistron in material pick from now on. From raw material extraction to processing, production, consumption, and disposal, people involved in any of the life cycle stages have to exist aware of the impacts that such a textile tin can have beyond all three dimensions of sustainability (environmentally, economically, and socially).

Companies involved in producing materials for sustainable food packaging include:

  • Sabic
  • Murdotec Kuntstoffe GmbH & Co. KG
  • Lavergne
  • Stora Enso Biocomposites
  • Phon Tech Industrial Company
  • DSM Engineering Materials
  • SCHOTT AG - Glass Tubing

Explore different food packaging materials

Future of Food Packaging Materials

Innovations and advancements in textile science have given food packaging a positive future in terms of efficiency and ecology impacts.

Smart packaging (or Intelligent packaging) has been gaining publicity lately, with an expected marketplace of $26.seven billion by 2024 [ii]. Smart packaging represents packaging systems conveying sensors that assist prolong the shelf life of foods, reveal information on freshness and quality, and enhance the safety of the product and consumer.

Another applied science in packaging systems is active packaging, which is the integration of additives with the packages to improve food shelf-life and quality [nineteen].

Nanotechnology, as well, has been able to penetrate the food packaging industry. It helps augment the thermal and mechanical properties of food packages. Nanosensors embedded within the packaging systems can also help monitor, identify, and warn near the safety and quality of the foods. Although the effect of nanoparticles on human health is however to be well understood, nanotechnology displays a promising future [xx].

When information technology comes to waste management, packaging waste product has occupied a large portion of municipal solid waste (MSW), resulting in a ascension in ecology concerns [21]. Biodegradable polymers take arisen as alternatives to traditional plastics in food packaging. These polymers decompose into CO2, water, inorganic compounds, and biomass. The types and applications of some biodegradable polymers are listed in Table 1.



Polymer Type


Natural Polymers


Wraps, cups, plates, trays, disposable dishes


Films, fresh food packaging, broiled appurtenances packaging


Films for fresh fruits and vegetables

Poly peptide

Films, Blanket on paper

Constructed Biopolymers

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA)

Cheese coatings, fast nutrient plates, bottles, containers, sheets

Bacterial cellulose (BC)


Non-natural Polymers

Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)

H2o-soluble films

Polylactide (PLA)

Paper coatings, films

Polyglycolide (PGA)

Protective layer in multilayer packages, such as PETE bottles, cups, dishes, trays

Poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL)

Foam trays, loose fill, film bags

Poly(butylene succinate) (PBS)

Films, bags

Poly(trimethylene terephthalate) (PTT)


Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT)

Films, blown bottles, dispensable food bags, trays

Table 1: Dissimilar categories, types, and applications of biodegradable polymers. Information retrieved from Ref. 21.

Explore different food packaging materials

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Source: https://matmatch.com/learn/material/materials-used-in-food-packaging

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